Assistant Time

In the second week, I still needed to conduct the observation in the class while preparing my teaching plan. I observed two classes from Teacher Noii, but I also joined to observe Teacher Nitti class. Here are the pictures of my observation.

After observing to some classes. I concluded Teacher-Centered Method as teaching method which was commonly used during my observation. Teacher as the source of the knowledge. Teacher played the most important roles. Learning material and innovation also came from the teachers. Sources of learning came from teacher through Power Point which was made by teachers. Exercises which always used by teachers were Kahoot games and worksheets.

Teaching Plan

Since I was assigned to teach in the end of semester. The students has finished their materials in curriculum and books. Therefore, I teached material which was chosen by training teacher. I didn’t use the curriculum as the guideliness, just the topics. The students teacher also gave me the format and the example of her lesson plan as the guideliness for me to write the lesson plan.

After making 2 lesson plans, there were Moana and Passive Voice. I asked Ajan Abby (my advisor) for checking my lesson plans. She gave me suggestion about what were the activities that should I do and I shouldn’t do. She aslo told me the tips for teaching Thai students that I should speak slowly and try to make the understand by giving a very simple explanation since we don’t have the same language. After that, she also gave me the ways how to measure the students by giving the exercises to the students. She really helped to complete my lesson plan.

After revising my lesson plan as Ajan Abby suggested me before. I gave my lesson plan to Ajan Noii (my mentor), he checked my lesson plan and he said “YES”. He said that my lesson plans were good and interesting. He told me that I just needed to pay attention to time and class management. Those were the things that I needed to focus on. Finally, lesson plans were accepted!


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