Teaching Time!

Having been done with planning teaching by getting two approvals from Ajan Noii and Ajan Abby, I prepared the materials and instructional media. I used PPT as main instructional media. Then, I also played some of games which were related to the materials to make the students enjoyed the lesson. I played some of English songs and group work for the students. To measure the students understanding, I used worksheet as the evaluation. I used colored and pictures evaluations most to make students felt interested to do the evaluation.

The Teaching Practice

1. Procedures of Teaching

Indonesia and Thailand have the differences in conducting the teaching practice. In Indonesia, I usually use scientific approach which contains observing, questioning, associating, exploring, and communicating as the teaching procedures. However, in Thailand teaching procedures are divided into motivation/warm up, presentation, practice, production/activities and wrap-up. Thailand used more simple teaching procedures instead of Indonesia. However, in my opinion the most important one is the teaching time.

2. Time Management and Organizing Activities

When I was doing my teaching practicum. I had a little bit problems in time management. It was because when I taught Moana, I only had 50 minutes. However, when my turn came, the previous teacher who taught in my class over-used her teaching time. Therefore, she took around 10 minutes of my time. Because of that, I only had less than 40 minutes for teaching including preparing media before teaching. Unfortunately, my PPT and the movie couldn’t be opened due to the technical problems. I was really nervous, but thanks to God. I could manage everything well. Even though I only had less than 40 minutes, I tried to catch their attention by asking them lot of questions, showed them interesting pictures of Moana. However, they didn’t realize I had some problems. After that, my PPT could be opened and we enjoyed every steps of teaching. The students really enjoyed the activities and they paid lot of attention. All the activities and teaching procedures have completely done.

3. Problem-Solving

I had technical problems and time. I was confused, but thanks God I could manage it well. I remembered all of my lecturers suggested me to do when I was in this kind of situation. What I need to do just relax, even though inside my heart I was really afraid and I had a big anxiety. I tried to smile just pretending everything okay. I tried to spare time to get closer with them by asking questions one by one. Getting their attention by saying greeting and some of Bahasa Indonesia and English languages because I know they have a big curiosity with the different languages. It worked!

4. Classroom Management

When you’re being a teacher, its impossible to have the silent class where the students just pay attention to you the WHOLE TIME. Yes, its impossible. Even a minute, they’ll get bored and they’ll try to speak to their friends. Having a noisy class is very common for the teachers. That's why, this is going to be thing that the teachers need to concern. What I did when I was this kind of situation in Demonstration School of SSRU was trying to catch their attention by Hi and Hello questions. Whenever they heard Hi or Hello, they would answer it at that time even though they’re talking to the friends.


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